Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I see sprouts!

The irrigation system and cages went in over the weekend.  Still need to rig something for the peas and the pole beans, though.  And once again, wet weather is preventing us from driving the truck around to bring in the rest of the compost or use power tools outside.  So, I'm going to bring the bamboo and 1/2" PVC to work tomorrow so I can drill them there for the pole bean trellis. 

Almost everything is up, and it all needs thinning.  The White Wonder cukes were a bit faster to sprout than than the Poonas, I noticed, and the pole beans faster than the cutshorts.  So, here are a few obligatory sprout pictures:

Radishes, peas, and broccoli raab

Pole beans, badly needing their trellis!

Cukes in top right four squares, bok choi, mustard, and kale in front... and the top left zone is dedicated stompin' grounds for rampicante.

Rampicante, looking vewy vewy innocent.  I planted three, just in case, but there can be ONLY ONE!  (Cue  theme music from The Highlander.  Though the other squash box could become scarier than this one.)

Now if it would just dry out for a couple of days, I could get the rest done. 

Happy gardening!  And, please stay safe in this crazy Spring.

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