Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How does my garden grow?

It has been quite chilly lately.  I have gotten in second and third outdoor plantings, though, and the seeds do seem to be coming up quite quickly.  This would be comforting, except I still have a bad case of Plant Envy for those great big Home Depot plants!

Here are some "What's up?" pictures taken today.  Sorry about the light, it has been raining all day.  The biggest news is that I think I am seeing some tomatoes sprouting from directly sown seed, and my potatoes are ready for their first ground of cover-and-grow, and if I squint hard enough, I think my strawberries might just be sprouting.

Here are the Kennebec potato plants.  They seem very happy in their new bed.  I will be covering them with more soil in the next few days.

These just might be are strawberry plants.  So very tiny!

Mixed lettuces.  So far nothing has been eating them, don't know if it is the coffee ground or the shed cat fur.  Top square was planted first, middle square second.  The bottom square is transplanted thinnings from the top square.  They are not quite as strong but seem to be doing okay.

Tomato sprouts!  There are two (I think) showing their faces.  This one is Cherokee Purple.  Trying to protect them a bit with cut-apart water bottles.

Swiss Chard:

Pak Choi, both squares (the left a later planting):

Rapini Broccoli:

Front to back:  Radish, Rapini, and Kohlrabi.

Carrots, plus some onion sets interplanted:

Summer Savory:


My one lonely garden pea sprout.  I planted more, honest! 

This may be Amaranth.  I sure hope so!

My one lonely corn sprout.  I need more!  Hard to see, but the true leaves are just starting to show.

Indoor sprouts, plus some gorgeous heirloom tomatoes that were gifted to me.  Why are the indoor sprouts so leggy?

The sprouts are backup tomatoes, peppers, basil, cabbage, catnip, and marigolds.  The peppers were extremely slow to germinate, but they did, finally.  Out of all of them it is the heirloom marigolds that are doing the worst, just one sprout from 4 pucks.  I thought marigolds were supposed to be easy?! 

I still need to lay down more mulch around the SFGs, get the trellises up, and think about an outdoor watering system (the hose is very unwieldy!) but given all the rain lately, I am going to wait on those projects for now.

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

Comisiòn Interinstitucional de Horticultura Terapéutic said...

Hi Megan! I like your blog very much! it is very nice to see the process of your SFG experience. I have two blogs and I invite you to visit them. and